Durham Chauffeurs offer a professional service from start to finish. We understand that our clients may need full confidentiality when using our services on what we hear or see etc. All our drivers & staff deployed or office based have all signed a company non disclosure (NDA). As a company we pride ourselves on our discretion and enforce or non disclosure agreements & social media policies ensuring our clients what is said & done in the car stays in the car!
Durham Chauffeurs (DC) is part of the Flag Security Group (FSG) What makes us different from a standard private hire chauffeur company?
FSG have the added value of providing our clients Executive Close Protection (CP) Travel under one of our Close Protection Contracts be it 1 hour of booked travel or a unlimited booked service period. Unlike private hire chauffeur companies FSG provide Individual SIA Licensed Close Protection Drivers, who are fully qualified to FREC 3 medical certification. Our Vehicles meet industry standards of close protection vehicles and fully equipped with FREC 3 Medical packs, Aed, GPS tracking & communications equipment.
Our quotes provided to our clients are made simple by quoting a hourly rate or day rate. Our rates timings start from the agreed pick up point to drop of point. Our day rate covers a 12 hour period any work conducted after the initial 12 hours will be charged for a hourly rate.
Once you have accepted your quotation you will receive a invoice for deposits or payments to be made. On FSG receiving agreed payments you will receive booking confirmation by email: ops@durhamchauffeurs.co.uk
All Invoices will appear from Flag Security Group. All invoices are to be paid in currency of GBP£. All payments are to be made within the agreed payment terms. Unpaid invoices may occur daily charges of 2% of the outstanding invoice amount at the discretion of the FSG Director.
To provide a seamless experience our CP drivers & vehicles are booked into our diary ensuring our clients receive what they have booked. However we understand our clients activities may change and cancellations may have to be made by the client or authorized staff. Any cancellations of accepted quoted services will face a penalty: Within 24hrs of pick up Full loss of paid deposits or payments in full. Within 3 days of pick up Loss of deposit in full. In the event if FSG can not conduct the quoted services a full refund will be returned.
FSG are fully insured & licensed to conduct Close Protection Services if you require a copy of our certificates please email ops.manager@flagsecuritygroup.co.uk Our polices carry a public liability of £10M GBP
Only the services quoted in our supplied quotations are agreed. Any other services we may be required to support our clients such as welfare facilities, Accommodation, Flights, Extended services, Drivers meals, Further Close protection tasks etc can only be agreed by further quotes or direct agreements by the FSG & DC Senior Management Team.
Our vehicles are maintained to a high standard and are fully equipped to Close Protection Industry Standards (CPIS) All vehicles have full business insurance, MOT & Taxed. We carry full breakdown cover on our vehicles & have plans to support the unforeseen which will allow onward travel as quickly as we can.
When choosing DC you are choosing FSG to provide Close Protection Travel under our Security Close Protection Contract DC is not a private hire Taxi and does not operate or hold accreditation or licenses to support this type of work! You are picking FSG to provide a qualified, experienced Close Protection Driver to oversee your transport needs and welfare during the contracted trip who have the qualifications and equipment to provide medical support in the event of the foreseen at a agreed price that may be lower of higher than the price of a standard private hire chauffeur company.
By accepting a quote from Durham Chauffeurs you agree that you have read & agree to our Terms & Conditions
Copyright © 2024 Durham Chauffeurs - All Rights Reserved. Part of the Flag Security Group